Amazon ElastiCache guide for the AWS Solutions Architect Associate Exam

Amazon ElastiCache is a managed in-memory data store and cache service that supports Redis and Memcached, designed to deploy scalable cache environments in the cloud

· 11 min read
Myles Mburu

Myles Mburu

Software Developer | AWS CCP


Amazon ElastiCache is an integral component of the AWS ecosystem, providing a high-performance, scalable, and cost-effective in-memory data store and cache solution. This service is designed to accelerate application performance by allowing data to be stored and retrieved from fast, managed in-memory caches, thus reducing the load on slower disk-based databases.

ElastiCache Engines: Redis and Memcached

ElastiCache supports two popular open-source in-memory key-value stores: Redis and Memcached.


Redis is renowned for its rich set of features, including persistence, transactions, and an extensive range of data structures like strings, hashes, lists, sets, sorted sets with range queries, bitmaps, hyperloglogs, and geospatial indexes. It supports high availability with primary-replica replication and automatic partitioning with Redis Cluster.


Memcached is simpler and designed for speed. It is ideal for scenarios where simplicity and speed are critical. It supports multi-threaded architecture, making it effective at utilizing multiple cores of server processors, but it lacks the built-in persistence and advanced data structures of Redis.

Key Features of Amazon ElastiCache

1. Performance and Scalability

ElastiCache significantly improves the read performance of web applications by retrieving data from a fast, managed in-memory system, rather than relying solely on slower disk-based databases. It supports easy scaling operations:

  • Vertical Scaling (Scaling Up): You can increase the cache node size.
  • Horizontal Scaling (Scaling Out): You can add more nodes to your cache cluster.

2. High Availability and Disaster Recovery

  • Multi-AZ Deployments: Automatic failover to a standby instance in another Availability Zone ensures minimal disruption.
  • Global Datastore: For Redis, it offers a fully managed, fast, and reliable cross-region replication, enhancing disaster recovery capabilities.

3. Security

ElastiCache allows the creation of isolated network environments using Amazon VPC, which provides control over the virtual networking environment, including IP address range selection, creation of subnets, and configuration of route tables and network gateways.

4. Backup and Restore Facilities

ElastiCache supports backup and restore capabilities. Redis provides backup capabilities via snapshots, which can be used to achieve point-in-time recovery.

5. Monitoring and Compliance

Amazon ElastiCache integrates with Amazon CloudWatch for monitoring the performance metrics and operational health of your caches. Alerts can be configured for specific events, which help in proactive incident and performance degradation management.

Architectural Decisions for Amazon ElastiCache

Choosing Between Redis and Memcached

When deciding between Redis and Memcached for use with Amazon ElastiCache, it's important to consider the specific requirements of your application, as each caching engine offers distinct advantages that are suited to different scenarios.


Redis is a feature-rich in-memory data store that supports persistence, enabling it to recover its state after a restart. This feature is crucial for applications where data needs to be durable and not lost across cache rebuilds or node restarts. Redis supports a wide range of data structures such as strings, hashes, lists, sets, sorted sets, bitmaps, hyperloglogs, and geospatial indexes, making it suitable for scenarios that require complex data manipulation and storage.

Additionally, Redis supports built-in replication, allowing it to maintain data across multiple nodes for high availability and data redundancy. This replication also enables Redis to provide failover mechanisms, which are critical for maintaining application uptime in the event of node failure.


On the other hand, Memcached is designed for simplicity and speed, utilizing a multi-threaded architecture that makes efficient use of server CPUs. This makes it particularly effective for high-speed caching scenarios where simple key-value storage is required. Memcached does not provide persistence or built-in replication, which makes it less suitable for applications where data durability is a concern.

Memcached is often chosen for scenarios where large data volumes are involved and the caching layer primarily serves as a transient store to alleviate database load. Its simplicity can be a significant advantage when the caching requirements do not involve complex data types or durability concerns.

Placement Groups

Placement groups are a feature in AWS that can significantly influence the performance of distributed systems like those utilizing ElastiCache. When performance is a critical factor, especially in latency-sensitive applications, placing ElastiCache nodes within the same placement group can greatly reduce network latency.

Placement groups in AWS offer high network throughput and low latency by grouping instances within a single Availability Zone (AZ). This is particularly beneficial for ElastiCache because the closer proximity of nodes reduces the network round-trip time, enhancing the speed at which cache operations can be performed. This setup is crucial for applications requiring rapid access to cached data, such as real-time transaction processing systems or high-performance computing applications.

When using placement groups, it's important to consider:

  • Network Performance: Placement groups provide the option to leverage enhanced networking features in AWS, which can further reduce latency and increase throughput.
  • Fault Tolerance and High Availability: While placement groups enhance performance, they can also concentrate risk because all nodes are located in a single AZ. To mitigate this, it’s crucial to implement replication and failover strategies across multiple AZs, ensuring that the cache remains available even if one AZ experiences issues.

Use Cases for Amazon ElastiCache

1. Database Caching

To speed up read-heavy application workloads by caching frequently accessed data, thereby reducing database load and latency.

2. Session Stores

ElastiCache can store session data for internet-scale applications with millions of users. This is particularly useful in handling large, unpredictable workloads without disrupting user sessions.

3. Real-Time Analytics and Leaderboards

Redis's data structures make it well-suited for real-time analytics operations and maintaining leaderboards for gaming applications, where scores need to be updated and retrieved in real time.

4. Geospatial Data

Redis's geospatial support makes ElastiCache a great choice for location-based services such as cab services, delivery services, and location-based advertising.


Amazon ElastiCache offers a strong, secure, and highly scalable environment for managing in-memory data stores, facilitating faster data processing and enhancing application performance. Whether you are managing session stores, supporting real-time analytics, or caching database queries, ElastiCache provides a comprehensive solution to meet diverse caching needs.

Sample Questions

1. What is a key feature of Redis that makes it suitable for applications requiring complex data manipulation?

A) Multi-threading
B) Simple key-value storage
C) Built-in replication and data structures like lists and sets
D) None of the above

Answer: C) Built-in replication and data structures like lists and sets

Redis supports a variety of complex data types including lists, sets, sorted sets, hashes, and more. It also offers built-in replication, making it suitable for applications that require complex data manipulation and high availability.

2. Which caching engine would you choose for a high-speed, transient data store with large volumes of simple key-values?

A) Redis
B) Memcached
C) Both
D) Neither

Answer: B) Memcached

Memcached is designed for simplicity and speed, utilizing a multi-threaded architecture which is effective for scenarios requiring fast access to large volumes of simple key-value data. It lacks the persistence and complex data structures offered by Redis, making it ideal for transient storage.

3. When using Amazon ElastiCache within a placement group, what is a key benefit?

A) Increased data durability
B) High network throughput and low latency
C) Automatic data replication across regions
D) Enhanced security through network isolation

Answer: B) High network throughput and low latency

Placement groups in AWS are used to position instances close to each other within a single Availability Zone, which helps achieve high network performance and low latency, beneficial for performance-critical applications using ElastiCache.

4. Which AWS service feature allows ElastiCache Redis instances to automatically failover to a replica in another Availability Zone?

A) Elastic Load Balancing
B) AWS Lambda
C) Multi-AZ Deployments
D) Amazon S3

Answer: C) Multi-AZ Deployments

Multi-AZ deployments for ElastiCache Redis allow for automatic failover to a standby replica in a different Availability Zone without manual intervention, enhancing application availability.

5. What is a primary consideration when deploying ElastiCache nodes within the same placement group?

A) Cost reduction
B) Simplification of data structures
C) Reduction of network latency
D) Increase in data replication

Answer: C) Reduction of network latency

The primary reason to deploy ElastiCache nodes within the same placement group is to reduce network latency by ensuring that the nodes are physically close to each other within the same Availability Zone, thus improving performance.
