How To Use

Here are the simplified instructions on how to use the platform.

  • Register an account on the platform and Login.
  • Click on Mobile in the navigation to view both Android or iOS challenges, or Web to view challenges for web , or API to view challenges for backend.
  • Scroll through the challenges and see the one you like click download challenge.
  • A zip folder will be downloaded to your Machine, so unzip it and start the challenge.
  • Within the file you will have a file ,design folder with the designs for the challenge also u will have design specifications for the design ie fonts size, colors , font weight and an Assets folder with all the images required through the challenge.
  • Your task is to use this details to be able to achieve the desired design as close as possible. The will be useful when you push your code to github as it will have details of the challenge so you don’t have to.
  • Use the brief as described in the challenge details page of the challenge.
  • Finish the challenge , push to github and deploy to any webhosting platform that are free eg vercel , netlify. If android or ios you can make a small video of how the project turned out and keep the link to it u will use it when submitting.
  • By now u have 3 links : To the code on github and to the live code working, also u get link to the zipped version of the code on the github repository.
  • Go back to the details page of the challenge and click submit solution. Fill the form with these links, a comment on how you found the challenge and the programming Language you used.
  • Congratulations You have now submitted your first task!
  • Your solution will be featured on our showcase page, people on the platform can now upvote it or downvote it or give you feedback on your solution.
  • You will also be awarded with points which you can check on your dashboard or if you are really active on the platform you will make it to the leaderboard.