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Discover how AWS machine learning services can solve real-world business challenges. Explore exam-style questions and integration scenarios for the AWS SAA-C03 certification.
Learn real-world use cases, best practices, and integration strategies for real-time data ingestion, analytics, and storage using Amazon Kinesis. Perfect for your AWS certification prep!
Master AWS disaster recovery strategies for your SAA exam! Learn about RTO, RPO and key Disaster Recovery strategies. Prepare smarter with scenario-based questions and exam tips.
A dive into how you can add External scripts to your application to improve its functionality and performance
In Vue 3, v-model is a directive that simplifies the process of two-way data binding between form input elements and the component's data
Regular expressions (regex) provide a powerful tool for pattern matching, making them ideal for validating email addresses
Since v-show doesn’t add or remove elements from the DOM, it is more efficient when you need to toggle visibility frequently, such as showing and hiding small UI components
When building applications, we are often faced with scenarios where we need to reuse some logic. Say you want to format your dates and time across your application
Axios is a popular Javascript library used to make HTTP requests from the browser or Node.js, it is an alternative to Javascripts Fetch API. Why axios? It is widely used in frontend frameworks